Autoscheduler that looks at each social platform not just an empty day

Most of us want our content to go simultaneously to every platform we are putting it on. Currently if I auto schedule 1 video on 4 social platforms it will put the same video post one per day on the next 4 empty days 1 for each platform. If I autoschedule a second video to the same four platforms I will have one post per day for 8 days. (a full calendar for over a week but only 2 videos) It would be far more helpful if it would post multiple videos on a day when they are on different platforms. If the scheduler considered if each platform was vacant. The fact there is a video going to youtube tomorrow shouldn’t stop the scheduler from posting a TikTok that day.

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In Review


πŸ’‘ Feature Request


20 days ago


Joshua Vander Klok

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